Redditch Ecumenical Church are inviting local residents to join them in this year’s World Day of Prayer.

The event, on Friday March 4, is England, Wales and Northern Ireland’s turn to write the service. The theme for the event is “I know the plans I have for you”.

Organiser Chris Littlewood said: "It’s going to be lovely service - you can expect to hear the Lord’s Prayer spoken in Welsh. And you can also expect to get real Welsh cakes with your cup of tea."

World Day of Prayer has its origins in the woman’s mission movement in 19th Century US and Canada. This often faced strong opposition from ecumenical groups who, at the time, were dominated by male members.

In more recent years, the World Day of Prayer has moved to ensure that men are made to feel welcome. Chris Littlewood said: "The word ‘Women’ has been dropped from its title because it sounded as if men were not involved and they always have been.

"We’d love to have the church full."

The main service will take place at Emmanuel Church at Redditch Ecumenical Centre at 2pm. For those that can’t make it, there will also be a stream of the service on YouTube. A secondary service will take place at St. Peter’s, Ipsley, at 7.30pm.